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The flowers of lean is blooming in Zhengcun company

Release date:2017-09-11

At the beginning of the cherry blossom season, we welcomed two senior management experts from Toyota, Zhengmun officially launched the Lean Travel (ZPS). Just four on-the-spot tutoring of Toyota Teachers has brought tremendous ideological impact to the management.

ZPS: Zhengcun Production System

[On-the-spot, on-the-spot]

[Go to the scene, stand on the scene, stare, stare again]

Habitual in the office, in the meeting room to discuss problems we began to appear a little inappropriate, when we moved the research to the scene, while confirming the anomalies, while formulating solutions, quality problems get a rapid response, gradually starting to benefit the production site. Grounded in the field, service site, rapid response to the abnormal sense of the scene has gradually formed a consensus in the management.

On-site Kanban in Forming Workshop:

First: Equipment Kanban

Second: Forming Kanban

In order to make lean culture take root and form an effective and systematic operation mechanism, we use the KJ analysis method under the guidance of our teachers, with nine different fields as the core (WWC engineering, talent cultivation, production planning, rubber refining, forming, quality, equipment, warehouse, technology). All the staff brainstorm to sort out the business pain points and extract them. The affinity map is formed, and the project is selected from the three dimensions of urgent needs, self-realization and superior requirements, in order to promote the effective landing of improvement projects one by one by one.

In addition to the systematic improvement of the project, the improvement department has also stepped forward steadfastly on the road of little progress every day by promoting the participation of all staff and continuing the subtle improvement mode, effectively enhancing the sense of achievement and morale of the participants. Over the past four months, the nine major divisions have made a little progress every day, and the total number of proposals for improvement has exceeded 500. Taking the technical division as an example, 59 items have been accumulated since the establishment of the division, each of which is directly related to the improvement of product quality and efficiency.

A Little Progress Every Day - Typical Improvement Cases

Technical Kanban:

The buds are bitter and the flowers are fragrant.

In order to improve the overall logistics, we dismantled all the blocking walls with the determination to break down and stand back. In order to realize the production concept of a stream, we are going to redesign the layout of equipment and start to promote the integration of pressure, repair, inspection and package. In order to achieve the ambitious goal of product quality 0PPM, we are planning an abnormal carpet radical cure. I believe that with the solid advancement of these improvements, Zhengcun Lean Flower will blossom more brilliantly.

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