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Continuous Improvement of Canteen Management

Release date:2023-09-11

As a functional department of the company, the General Affairs Department plays the role of logistics support and is one of the departments with the largest cost expenditure, while the cost of canteen expenses is the largest subject of the General Affairs Department's cost expenditure. How to achieve effective cafeteria cost reduction management through continuous improvement and convert waste into employee benefits has always been a topic that the General Affairs Department needs to tackle. After long-term guidance from our superiors and continuous on-site verification, we have made some improvements in the management of the cafeteria in recent years.

1. Regular optimization of recipes

If employees have been dining in the cafeteria for a long time and do not like the food, it will inevitably lead to situations such as pouring out the food. The unchanged and monotonous menu not only easily makes employees feel bored, but also the source of waste.

At this point, it is necessary to regularly update and optimize the menu. On the one hand, the General Affairs Department provides feedback through employee satisfaction surveys, and on the other hand, adjusts it through data retrieval and learning.

We develop a weekly menu and publish it based on the updated menu and seasonal changes, ensuring that there are no duplicate samples every day for a week, in order to better meet the taste and needs of employees.


2 Recipe Formulation

Like product recipe management, we also implement formulaic management for recipes.

Firstly, lay the foundation for the procurement and use of canteen materials, avoiding anomalies such as excessive procurement and use or insufficient procurement volume.

Secondly, it is necessary to standardize and unify the cooking techniques, material usage, and dish quantity of chefs, in order to avoid abnormal evaluations of taste and dish quantity due to different chefs.


3. Procurement MRP

Based on the number of diners and recipe, we incorporate the procurement and use of cafeteria materials into the SAP system management, generate the "MRP Daily Procurement Plan for cafeteria materials", and implement lean management.

Firstly, form a purchase order for fresh materials the next day to achieve precise procurement.

Secondly, establish the usage of non fresh materials the next day, control the receipt and use of materials by chefs, and achieve standard processing of dishes.


4 Satisfaction Survey - PDCA Based

Employee feedback is an important basis for improving the cafeteria. We regularly conduct cafeteria satisfaction surveys, collect feedback from employees, timely improve recipes and service quality, and continuously update and optimize formula management, plan management, and service management.


The company has always focused on the continuous improvement of employee welfare. On the basis of the continuous implementation and improvement of the canteen recipe management and Clean Your Plate Campaign, the company has recently significantly improved the food standard.


At present, we are still promoting the intelligent project of meal reporting management. With the continuous improvement of lean management level in canteens and the continuous reduction of waste, the company will continue to improve meal standards, allowing employees to enjoy more delicious dishes and tangible benefits.

  • Sales Department
  • Contact person: Manager Huang

    Tel: +86 15001891235


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  • Contact person: Mr. Chen

    Tel: +86 15001892387



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