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Talk about the ability requirements of sales staff

Release date:2024-06-20

Sales is an ordinary job, but anyone who is an adult, sales of this job is no stranger. Stumbling to do so many years of sales work, from exclusion to recognition of this job, there are a lot of mental journey. I would like to share with you my feelings as a salesman. In general, sales is a job with a low threshold, but also a job with a high threshold. To enter the threshold is low, to do the threshold is high!

The purpose of sales is to create, communicate and deliver value, maintain customer relationships and benefit businesses and stakeholders. Remember when I was just engaged in sales, the boss said that the sales department is the only money-making department of the company, and other departments are spending money, here is not to say that other departments are not important, but the sales department is the most important, is the key to the survival of the enterprise. Therefore, the level of sales personnel will directly affect the development and direction of the enterprise.


As a salesman, I think an excellent salesperson should have the following abilities:

1. Ability to communicate and judge

Communication here does not refer to a simple dialogue with customers, but how to find and judge the customer's needs and pain points through dialogue, the customer's next strategic direction and other important information, in order to achieve the purpose of better serving customers.

2 Technical Capability

The current market environment requires salespeople to become product experts to help customers solve general technical problems. In fact, customers prefer to solve the problems encountered through a window, which puts forward higher standards and requirements for sales. Taking Damper product as an example, the customer will raise some technical questions about the choice of materials, the influence of hardness of different materials on frequency and so on. This requires sales staff to have a detailed understanding of the application scenarios, technical characteristics and production process of the product on the basis of understanding product knowledge, and to be able to deal with general technical problems without relying on the technical team.

3 Intelligence gathering capability

To fully understand the market conditions, economic environment, competitors and customer needs in the responsible area. For example, a wire harness customer feedback in the process of threading, the need to apply lubricant to the wire harness to better pass through the wire harness sheath, after getting this demand, the technical team developed a slow release of oil leakage wire harness sheath material, reduce customer processes, improve economic benefits.

4. Ability to analyze and plan

The information received will be integrated and analyzed, and constantly open up new markets, maintain good old customers while constantly developing new customers, expand product sales scope.

5. Self-restraint and supervision ability

Because of the characteristics of sales work, the working mechanism will be more flexible, and most of the time is spent visiting customers and understanding the market. Therefore, the self-restraint and supervision ability of sales personnel is particularly important.

6 Operator Thinking

The sales staff should consider themselves as the operators of the enterprise and consider the problems with the operator's thinking. Plan the work from the strategic level, understand the future development trend of the industry and the application of new technologies. Change your role from executor to decision maker, and work better from a higher level.

7. Continuous learning ability

Continue to learn and improve the new technology and industry dynamics, improve professional literacy, in order to adapt to the changing market needs.

These are some of my understanding of sales work. I think sales is very suitable for the principle of 80, 80% of the company's orders are created by 20% of the personnel, I hope we can become the 20% of the elite, with our wisdom to create a better future of the company, with the company's better future to create our happy life.


  • Sales Department
  • Contact person: Manager Huang

    Tel: +86 15001891235


  • Personnel Department
  • Contact person: Mr. Fang

    Tel: +86 15001892387



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